Enhancing Home Comfort and Energy Efficiency with Sealants: A FixTrade Guide

In this comprehensive guide, FixTrade is here to help you take control of your home's comfort and energy efficiency. We'll delve into the world of sealants, an often-underestimated solution, to protect your home from draughts and reduce energy bills. We'll explore different products and methods, equipping you with the knowledge needed to eliminate gaps and ensure your home is a cosy, energy-efficient haven.

Identifying Problem Areas

The first step towards making your house more energy-efficient is identifying the areas susceptible to draughts. Common culprits include windows, doors, and chimneys. Draughts can also creep in due to factors like inadequate insulation and gaps between window frames and glass. If you're considering window replacements, opt for double-glazed units to bolster insulation.

Sealing Solutions for Windows

To combat draughts around windows, consider using a self-adhesive brush strip or a draught excluder. These nifty products effectively seal gaps, ensuring your home remains comfortable.

Draught-Proofing Doors

External doors, especially those with transoms, can be sources of draughts if not correctly sealed. Don't overlook gaps around keyholes and letterboxes, as these can also be culprits. A draught excluder can come to your rescue, sealing these gaps, and enhancing the energy efficiency of your home.

Addressing Gaps Near the Floor

Gaps between skirting boards and the floor can be troublesome. Choosing a flexible sealant can help fill these gaps and prevent further damage. For persistent issues, consider adding insulation to the floor.

Tackling Chimneys and Loft Hatches

Chimneys and loft hatches are additional areas where draughts can occur. Installing a draught excluder and an insulating cover for the loft hatch can provide further protection.

Choosing the Right Materials for Draught-Proofing

The effectiveness of your draught-proofing efforts hinges on selecting the right materials. Various types of foam draught excluders are available, each designed to address specific issues. These cost-effective solutions are easy to install and can be removed and replaced as needed.

Meet Fixman: Your Draught-Proofing Ally

Fixman's foam exclusion tools, like the door brush seal strip, blend seamlessly into your home's decor. The door brush seal strip is ideal for closing gaps around letterboxes and doors, effortlessly addressing a range of draught issues. These products are durable, providing lasting protection against recurring draught problems.

Variety of Styles and Finishes

With a wide variety of styles and finishes, you can customize these products to complement your home's appearance. For instance, the Fixman external door rain deflector enhances your doors' look while providing protection.

Additional Draught-Proofing Products

Consider adding insulated loft hatch covers to prevent heat loss through your loft. Other products, such as flexible sealants for skirting and floorboards, double-glazing solutions, and more, can further bolster your home's energy efficiency.

Installation Steps for Foam Draught Excluders

Before installing foam excluders around doors and windows, ensure the frames are clean and dry. Measure the strip length, cut it to size, and then apply it to the frame. Ensure the door or window can still open and close easily.

Proper Sizing for Effective Draught-Proofing

Choosing the right size and shape is crucial for effective draught-proofing. Measure the width of the doorway and cut the strip accordingly. Position it against the door to close the gap effectively.

Ensuring Secure Installation

After drilling holes and marking fixing points, tighten and adjust the height of the excluder as needed once the door has been opened and closed.

Sealants for Various Applications

You can apply sealants using a sealant gun. Make sure the area is clean and dry before application and smooth it out with a wet tool or your finger. Additionally, chimney balloons and loft hatch covers are excellent for sealing unused loft hatches and chimneys.

Finding the Right Balance

While draught-proofing is beneficial, avoid overdoing it. Never block air bricks, boiler flues, or windows in bathrooms and kitchens. The proper size and shape of the foam excluder can help improve your home's efficiency.

Consult the Experts

Before embarking on an energy-efficient home improvement project, identify areas that require attention. Choosing the right materials and installation techniques will make your home cosier and save you money on energy bills. If you need advice or assistance, our team of experts is here to help.

Unlock the potential of your home's comfort and energy efficiency with FixTrade. Reach out to us today for the ideal solutions tailored to your home's needs.

Experience a warmer and more energy-efficient home with FixTrade. Contact us today!

Visit FixTrade to explore our wide range of draught-proofing products and expert advice on home improvement.