How to Minimise Window Condensation

As the weather turns colder, people start turning up the heating in their houses. This can lead to moisture collecting on uPVC windows and doors. Here are some tips that can help reduce condensation on windows.


What is the source of condensation?

 People often believe that the condensation seen on windows is due to a faulty seal when in actuality, it is quite the opposite.

Now, let’s go over the science behind condensation. When the air outside is cold, the glass components of your windows and doors will be too. However, once you turn up the heat inside your house, the temperature of the air rises and brings along excess dampness. After you hang your laundry to dry on the radiators and close your curtains, you trap the warm air around the window area. Consequently, this causes the warm, damp air to stick to the cold surfaces, resulting in water droplets - condensation.

The combination of these elements contributes to condensation issues. The good news is that we have a few ideas to help you lower the amount of condensation on your windows!


Two main approaches can be taken to minimise condensation:

  • Enhance the circulation of air.
  • Lower the amount of moisture.

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To promote better air circulation, trickle slot vents are a good option. They provide an efficient method of letting fresh air in while allowing warm, damp air around windows to escape outside. This helps to lessen the condensation that can build up. Trickle slot vents can be found on our website here.

Adding air bricks to the external walls of your house is an option to enhance ventilation, even though it is likely to be a pricey and intricate undertaking.

If desired, you could open a window slightly. Generally, windows come with a feature termed a "night latch" that permits one to keep a minor gap in the window.

To reduce dampness in your living space, don't cover your radiator with draperies. If your window has long curtains that cover the radiator, this will block the heat from radiating out. Open the curtains slightly or tuck them behind the radiator.

A method to decrease the level of humidity is to refrain from drying too much washing on the radiators inside your house. This contributes to a large amount of moisture which won't help the issue.

You can significantly decrease the condensation on your windows by installing trickle slot vents and following the advice above to abate the humidity in your house. Even better, both of these solutions are so inexpensive and easy to implement.


Highlighting the Significance of Lowering Condensation

It is essential to diminish condensation since it can not only impair your windows but also cause mould growth. Mould in your house can be aesthetically displeasing and hazardous to your health. If you observe black spots on the sealant and paint by your windows, it is likely that you have a mild mould problem.

 An anti-mould silicone sealant may be applied around windows in the home to impede mould from growing. This sealant is especially useful due to its capacity to hinder mould from developing in the first place.


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CondensationVentilation & heating